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Our body is a precise and complex mechanism. We perform thousands of movements daily. Most often, these are complex movements involving many muscles, tendons, ligaments, and many joints.
A movement that is a little too forced, a direct trauma, or even a posture defect lead to small losses of mobility at the osteo-articular level every day,visceralOrcranial. When our body's ability to adapt is exceeded, that is to say when certain movements are no longer possible, there is discomfort, pain, blockage...
Osteopathy makes it possible to gently, naturally and sustainably treat many functional disorders linked to these mobility losses. Osteopathy is curative, but it is above all preventive: consult your osteopath at least once or twice a year.

To find out more, visit ourosteopathic center in Geneva.  
"The art of manual therapy is ancient: I hold in high esteem those who, generation after generation, will succeed me and whose all the work will contribute to the development of the natural art of healing."
Massage du haut du dos



Les sportifs

In the practice of sport, the body undergoes disturbances. Loss of joint mobility, muscle tension, ligament traction or visceral dysfunction can cause an imbalance in the body's health. a simple gene  with chronic pain, which will disrupt both the practice of the activity but also the performance.

When to consult an osteopath?

In sports, osteopathy  can intervene for two main reasons:

The first, à titre préventif, therefore occurs before a test or sporting event, in order to make an overall assessment, to rebalance the body. This consultation can also occur before a preparation to start it in the best possible way. 


The second as titre curatif, to correct tension or pain during the practice of sporting activity. These pains or genes can be temporary or chronic, following shocks or old trauma. guarantee optimal monitoring and comfort. 

Why consult your osteopath ?

Osteopathy  will intervene at the sportif  for any pain or discomfort, occurring during the practice of sport or after exercise.

Athletes generally consult after trauma, falls or shocks, but also for joint, muscle, tendinopathy (tendinitis...), nerve (sciatica...).

Osteopathy  can also intervene in the event of insufficient or poor recovery after a sporting event (marathon...).

Pain or discomfort can affect your physical activity, with its great experience and skills, thanks to our know-how, the Osteo'rive team, will accompany you and relieve you during of your efforts and your performance with complete peace of mind. 


Les infants

Childbirth is a major change for both mother and newborn. Accustomed to the comfort of the maternal womb, it now finds itself in a world of bodily constraints which were until then strongly compensated by the prenatal fluid environment.

Doing an assessment  with your osteopath  for your baby shortly after birth will relieve your child and prevent certain symptoms in order to prevent them from expressing themselves or that it gets worse afterwards.


Indeed, in infants it is easier to deal with the constraints that may have been applied in-utero, during childbirth or since birth.

Osteopathy on babies gives quick and amazing results.  It is therefore recommended to take your 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_l'osteopath in the weeks following birth as well as at each stage of its development
(sitting position, four-legged, first steps).

When to consult an osteopath?

The different symptoms  that can be treated by the osteopath :

Cranial deformation :

These deformities may be due to the instruments used during childbirth (spatulas, suction cups, forceps.) ; a difficult passage of the infant in the lower strait of the mother's pelvis ; a lack of mobility of the head in right or left rotation, which leads to a flattening of the skull on the side of the position of comfort.

Infant colic :

Colic is abdominal pain, which may be due to digestion problems in the baby, it often happens between meals. The baby cries, squirms and has a lot of gas.

Regurgitations :

These are more or less significant gastric reflux, especially during the first months of life. They fade after the age of 6 months. They may be due to an immaturity of the digestive system, having no impact on the baby's weight curve or appetite.

Infant torticollis :

It is a difficulty in turning the head. The baby will put himself in a comfortable position, turning his head more often to one side than the other (when lying down, or while taking a bottle or breastfeeding). This may be due to small dysfunctions that occurred during childbirth (difficult, long childbirth, with spatula, suction cup, forceps).

Chronic infant ENT disorders :

ENT disorders in  nourrissons  are very common up to the age of 3 years. They are bothersome and painful for le bébé. What are they : colds, otitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis.

Other common reasons that can be treated by the osteopath :

If your baby has un strabismus.

If your baby is hypernervous, cries often, sleeps little.

Conduct of an osteopathic session for infants 

Thanks to gentle techniques adapted to infants, the osteopath  will release existing tensions in order to harmonize the baby's body and allow it to grow properly.

In order to facilitate the work of the osteopath, you will be asked to bring your baby's health record with you.

Osteopathy consultations for your infant can take place at your home (Geneva centre).

Femmes enceintes

Les pregnant women

Each pregnancy is experienced differently from one future mother to another, but also for the same mother. The pregnant woman will undergo many transformations during her pregnancy. Functional disorders  such as spinal pain (sciatica, cruralgia, etc.), digestive problems (nausea, vomiting, constipation, difficult digestion, etc ...), feelings of heaviness appear.

What will the osteopath do?

Votre ostéopathe va donc utiliser des techniques appropriées à la femme enceinte, elles sont dites_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_soft techniques so that they are well accepted by the mother, but also by the baby. 

These different techniques  will aim to restore mobility, relieve pain, reduce symptoms, but also at the end of pregnancy to prepare the pelvis for the childbirth, so that it goes as well as possible. which will increase the comfort of your future baby.

Osteopathy  will also help to better manage stress, improve respiratory functions, the mother-child relationship and circulatory disorders.

Un  osteopathic treatment  with gentle techniques, is neither dangerous nor harmful for the future baby, because this treatment is adapted and specific to pregnant women.

A session osteopathic  childbirth preparation is recommended, it will aim to optimize the mobility of the pelvis and surrounding structures , essential for D-Day.

When to consult an osteopath?
  • Nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating, difficult digestion...

  • Lumbar pain, coccygeal pain, sciatica, cruralgia...

  • Acid reflux, burning behind the sternum...

  • Stress, fatigue...

  • Sleep disorder

  • Sensation of chest tightness

  • Circulation disorder: heavy legs, headaches, hemorrhoids

After childbirth

A consultation osteopathique  can be considered in order to rebalance certain structures that could have been disturbed during childbirth (pelvis, coccyx, perineum, etc.), in addition to your perineal rehabilitation performed by your physiotherapist or midwife.


Children and adolescents

Childhood and adolescence are an opportunity for children to experiment and discover their physical performance. The weight of the school bag, poor posture at school, trauma related to sports activity, can disturb the general balance of the child so these disturbances will lead to dysfunctions or pain.

In children followed in orthodontics, the appliance creates tension in the jaw and the bones of the skull can be the cause of headaches and/or_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_de postural disorders. The child may then present  difficult sleep, migraines, irritability, pain in the neck and back or even   difficulty concentrating._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

When to consult an osteopath?
  • Back pain, scoliosis, scoliotic attitude

  • Prevent the development of scoliosis and freiner son volution

  • After trauma: sprains, fractures, falls

  • Disorders of psychomotor development

  • Wearing braces, tooth extraction or after thumb sucking

  • Reduce the impact of wearing braces on the body

  • Chronic ENT problems: angina, otitis, sinusitis

  • Digestive problems: bloating, constipation

  • Difficulty concentrating at school

  • Difficulty getting to sleep

  • Mood disorder, hyperactivity, excitement

  • For monitoring sports activity

The osteopathic consultation  will take place in 3 stages : interrogation, osteopathic diagnosis and osteopathic treatment. All the techniques used will be adapted to the child, to his flexibility, to his growth and will never be painful.


The adults

Active life, whatever our profession, subjects the body to bad positions or bad postures, on a daily basis. An osteopathic follow-up is nowadays favored by adults to better adapt to the rhythms of life to which they are subjected.

The main reasons for consultations in adults are musculoskeletal disorders (such as sciatica, low back pain or la cervicalgie). Indeed, poor posture at work, too repetitive gestures, or even a wrong movement can cause tension in the body, which will be aggravated by a stressful lifestyle. Osteopathy is effective for these types of pain, releasing the tensions that have accumulated over time. If you have any problems or pain acute  or chronic, osteopathy can intervene if it is not a medical concern.

Can osteopathy intervene on visceral or digestive problems?

Yes, the osteopath intervenes very regularly, and even systematically on the visceral whether for digestive problems or pain, but also on back problems for example which can originate from visceral dysfunction.

Can osteopathy act on cranial problems?

Yes, in the same way as for the visceral, the osteopath will check the cranial sphere, whatever your pain.

Indeed, in addition to the investigation of this sphere for local problems, certain remote pains or dysfunctions will create an adaptation and possible tensions in the skull.

Can osteopathy intervene on long-standing pain?

Yes, osteopathy aims the investigation of the body to find the origin of pain even if these are

present for a long time.

Indeed, a trauma or shock dating back several years can have  modified your body and cause chronic pain. The work of the osteopath is also to  find this origin to solve the problem  in the long term.



With age, the body's mobility capabilities can decrease, leading to instability and consequentlyfalls.  You are an elderly person and you wonder if osteopathy is suitable for you. The answer isYes.

Although the techniques vary, theosteopathy can intervene in its patients for the accompaniment of chronic pain and for the well-being on a daily basis.all types of patients of any age so the osteopath will take care to  adapt the techniques to your background and your state of health.

Osteopathy, through appropriate techniques and a specific approach, will help seniors to maintain  a state of health allowing them to maintain their autonomy.  very present today with seniors in multidisciplinary care teams in hospitals, clinics and nursing homes.

When to consult an osteopath?
  • Annual preventive report.

  • Stiffness.

  • Rheumatism (relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis and arthritis).

  • Ptoses, organ descents (prevent).

  • Urinary incontinence (reduce the importance, or slow down the evolution to delay surgery).

  • Varicose veins, venous return disorders.

  • Colopathy (colitis, constipation).

  • Regular treatment recommended to maintain good mobility of the osteo-articular framework and the musculo-tendinous system. ​

Is osteopathy dangerous in elderly people with more fragile bones?

Your Osteopath will  adapt his techniques according to the patient, his history, as well as his medical history.

He will  favor gentle and myotensive techniques in order not to attack the body and thus limit pain after the consultation.

Can osteopathy intervene on acute pain in the elderly?

Yes, osteopathy does not intervene only on chronic problems of the elderly, it can also_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58_relieve dysfunctions -136bad5cf58d_ linked for example to a fall or trauma if this does not require medical treatment.

Accompaniment of the sick

In parallel with a medical follow-up, osteopathy can accompany a patient whose pathology requires heavy care. A treatment may have a beneficial effect on:

  1. The pain

  • Pain may be felt in the diseased area and around it.​

  • When they are very localized, they are the result of local inflammation, signifying the activation of healing processes. ​

  • When they are at a distance, painful muscles and joints reflect fatigue in the area. This phenomenon, which is frequent and normal, is related to the symptoms of the disease.  The pain is mainly linked to the postural attitudes adopted during the treatment and recovery periods, which can be debilitating. ​

  • Imposed rest and difficulty in moving disturb the function and balance of the body structure. Osteopathy is effective in reducing the pain associated with this ankylosis.​

2.   ​Healing 

Balancing the musculo-ligamentous tensions of the regions through which the blood vessels and nerves intended for the diseased area pass, will make it possible to accelerate healing by mobilizing the body's entire self-healing system. ​


The list is non-exhaustive. Ask your osteopath for additional information. ​​

Accompagnement des malades

In company

Today, the well-being and health of employees have become a major issue in our companies. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent 77% of occupational illnesses and  they are increasing by 15% each year and affect all sectors of activity.

In the report "Working conditions and diseases of the musculoskeletal system" (2009), the State Secretariat for the Economy (SECO) estimates that MSDs generate nearly 10 billion francs a year in losses for companies, which qui entraîne de nombreux arrêts de travail ainsi qu'une baisse de la productivité_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_not insignificant for businesses. Osteopathy  is a preventive, curative and inexpensive solution against these problems. Osteopathy en entreprise will allow better health for employees and therefore for your company.

MSDs, what are ? What is Cause ?

Musculoskeletal disorders are peri-articular conditions affecting the joints, muscles and tendons.  They are due to repetitive movements such as assembly line work, heavy work (BTP, metallurgy) or to a prolonged static position such as seated work (computer, car). They are also often related to stress. Pain and functional impotence are the first signs of MSDs and it is they who lead your employees to consult us (often too late) in our_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_centre Osteo'rive.

How does the osteopath intervene in business ?

Osteopathy in business is a cost-effective, simple, quick and effective solution to set up. ears of the human body. The musculotendinous system will then be able to work in ideal conditions and will limit the appearance of MSDs to the delight of employees and your company.

What interests for companies ?
  • Reduce the number of work stoppages which are excessively expensive in direct and indirect costs for your company

  • Increase the productivity of your employees

  • The recognition of your employees towards your company

  • Significant media added value (brand image)

Many companies trust osteopathy for the health of their employees (Rolex, Ikea, Zimmermann)


Why don't you ?

En entreprise
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